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United States
We were married on September 27, 2009. We began our journey more than three years ago. We have had four losses to date and are still trying to conceive our sticky bean.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Music is so different once you've lost a child. Songs you never paid attention to catch your ear. Songs that were "just another song" have the ability to bring you to tears. There are many songs that have proven this to be true over the last several years. Some examples are "Hero" by Mariah Carey and "Still the Cross" by FFH. I reread the lyrics to both of these the other day and they didn't have the same effect...I guess it depends on my mood at the moment?

I have also found that there are times that I find myself looking for such songs; moments when I want to wallow in self-pity. YouTube has been very helpful in those moments. There is a plethora of videos relating to miscarriage on there.

One in particular has always struck a chord though: "Glory Baby" by Watermark. This song never, ever fails to leave me in tears. It's captures how I (and many others, I'm sure) feel perfectly.

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