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United States
We were married on September 27, 2009. We began our journey more than three years ago. We have had four losses to date and are still trying to conceive our sticky bean.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

To try again, or not to try again?

As I always do after a loss, I've been questioning whether or not I want to risk going through aother miscarriage. A good friend and I were talking about it last night and I think I've decided.

I probably will risk it again. Chris really wants a living (biological) child and it wouldn't be very fair of me to flat out refuse that option. I couldn't ask him to get snipped knowing how badly he wants a child and I'm never doing hormonal birth control again.

The losses are hard on me, yes, but they're hard on him too. After all he's done for me, I can't not take his feelings into consideration. Are his feelings more important? No. But, likewise, mine don't outweigh his either. I have no right to take away his chance at a biological child.

That being said, I will continue to try (or at least not prevent) for a while still. Since I lost my left fallopian tube with this pregnancy, the risk of another ectopic is just the same as everyone else's risk. At this point the risk is the same as it was before we conceived the twins.

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