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United States
We were married on September 27, 2009. We began our journey more than three years ago. We have had four losses to date and are still trying to conceive our sticky bean.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

"Stop Trying So Hard"

Really? There are two days a month that a woman can get pregnant. I'm supposed to stop tracking my cycle (therefore not knowing when the egg will be there) and hope for the best. What the hell? Yea me not knowing when to have sex so that the egg can be fertilized is going to fix it all. Yep, me not caring is going to get me pregnant and help me STAY pregnant. People are fucking stupid.


  1. My pet peeve is "Just relax". :| *Uggghhhh*

  2. Yea, relaxing will change that I don't always O and that I can't carry once pregnant. *sigh* Ever want to just smack some people?
